
Mozilla Firefox的6- 更快,更安全,更易于使用和运动以崭新的面貌,这个最新版本Firefox的Web浏览器设置一个创新的新标准。 Mozilla的Firefox项目(原火鸟,它的前身凤凰)是Mozilla的浏览器组件编写使用XUL用户界面语言,设计为跨平台的,重新设计。它体积小,速度快,易于使用,并提供了其他Web浏览器,如标签式浏览和能力阻止弹出窗口,许多优势。 Firefox有最特别的方式来定制的方式使用网络的在线体验。


Mozilla Firefox 6 - faster, more secure, easier to use and sporting a new look, this latest Firefox release sets a new standard for web browser innovation. Mozilla Firefoxproject(formerly Firebird, which was formerly Phoenix) is a redesignofMozilla's browser component, written using the XUL user interface language and designed to be cross-platform. It is small, fast and easy to use, and offers many advantages over other web browsers, such as the tabbed browsing and the ability to block pop-up windows. Firefox hasthemost ways to customize your online experience specifically for thewayyou use the web.

What makes Firefox different? Most importantly,we’re open. That meansanyone around the world (and we have thousandsof experts watching ourback) is able to look into our code and find anypotential weak spotsin our armor. And when we hear about a problem, weroll up our sleevesand get to work fixing it right away. It’s in yourbest interest (andours) to take care of the issue, even if it meansadmitting we’re alittle less than perfect.

Download下载地址 : firefox-6.0a1
News source最新资源 : mozilla-central