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通用Android反混淆器 Android程序代码混淆是Android开发者经常用来防止app被反编译之后迅速被分析的常见手法。在没有混淆的代码中,被反编译的Android程序极其容易被分析与逆向,分析利器JEB就是一个很好的工具。但是加了混淆之后,函数、变量的名称将被毫无意义的字母替代,这将大大提高分析的难度。 Simplify安卓反混淆工具实际上是...


  • 2019-04-09
  • tools
  • 1262 阅读



AttackSurfaceMapper 渗透测试工具介绍 AttackSurfaceMapper(ASM)旨在通过将单个目标域或IPv4地址列表作为输入,然后使用被动OSINT技术和主动侦察方法对其进行分析,从而大大简化侦察过程。它是一个全新开发的渗透测试工具。它枚举具有强制和被动查找的子域,同一网络块所有者的其他IP,具有指向它们的多个域名的IP等等。 目标列表...

intitle:"YALA: Yet Another LDAP Administrator"

  • 2005-05-02
  • shdb
  • 1267 阅读

YALA is a web-based LDAP administration GUI. The idea is to simplify the directory administration with a graphical interface and neat features, though to stay a general-purpose programThe goal is to simplify the administration but not to make the ...

PhotoPost PHP Upload

  • 2005-01-13
  • shdb
  • 1184 阅读

PhotoPost was designed to help you give your users exactly what they want. Your users will be thrilled to finally be able to upload and display their photos for your entire community to view and discuss, all with no more effort than it takes to po...

intitle:"WebLogic Server" intitle:"Console Login" inurl:console

  • 2004-12-19
  • shdb
  • 2450 阅读

BEA WebLogic Server 8.1 provides an industrial-strength application infrastructure for developing, integrating, securing, and managing distributed service-oriented applications. By simplifying and unifying the enterprise infrastructure, IT organiz...