

Warning: Podfile is out of date

Warning: Podfile is out of date

真机或模拟器时报: Podfile is out of date This can cause issues if your application depends on plugins that do not support iOS or macOS. 要完全清理(删除所有指向链接的点)并创建升级到新的(...

2021年8月后新应用上架Google play强制上传签名

2021年8月后新应用上架Google play强制上传签名

在之前的文章我们提到过Google发过通知,将在8月正式对新应用强制签名上传,并且只接受appbundle方式,而APK不再支持。意味着我们只能把应用签名上传到他们服务器上,这是开发者来说非常无奈,又无可奈何。 ...



其实之前已经有写过一篇文章《Flutter应用图标自适应方案:标准规范自动圆角不变形》,结合着看也行。 让我们承认这一点ーー管理应用程序图标是一项重复的任务。他们必须生成的多分辨率和手动放置在几个文件...

Adobe Mac版本安装失败提示您必须升级错误代码:195解决方法

Adobe Mac版本安装失败提示您必须升级错误代码:195解决方法

【问题】 安装Adobe Premiere Pro时提示错误 195,说要升级系统或产品。 请检查以下内容:-Creative Cloud Desktop vereion 5.2 or below is not supported(错误代码:195),这是因为电脑上之前安装过试...

Flutter git忽略.gitignore配置

Flutter git忽略.gitignore配置

基础模板直接看官方的: flutter官方.gitignore文件 # Miscellaneous *.class *.lock *.log *.pyc *.swp .DS_Store .atom/ .buildlog/ .history .svn/ # IntelliJ related *.iml *.ipr *.iws .idea/ # V...



以前没用过数据开头的包名,今天遇到了,一直报以下错误 FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':app:processReleaseResources'. > A failure occurred...

Error when reading ‘pub’: No such file or directory解决

Error when reading ‘pub’: No such file or directory解决

已经安装dart,并且指定了bin位置,但执行命令依然报错: ➜~ (master) ✗ dart pub outdated Error: Error when reading 'pub': No such file or directory 提示错误没说dart问题,而是说pub,那就是pub没...

RHEL/CentOS/Fedora Linux命令下安装Google Chrome

RHEL/CentOS/Fedora Linux命令下安装Google Chrome

键入以下命令查看当前版本是32还是64 $ echo "You are using $(getconf LONG_BIT) bit Linux distro." You are using 64 bit Linux distro. $ uname -m x86_64 如上,根据回显确认是64位。 在 RHEL/Ce...

Can’t build Flutter application: Unable to locate DeviceSupport directory解决

Can’t build Flutter application: Unable to locate DeviceSupport directory解决

错误 Unable to locate DeviceSupport directory with suffix 'DeveloperDiskImage.dmg'. This probably means you don't have Xcode installed, you will need to launch the app manually and logging outp...

Error launching app. Try launching from within Xcode via解决

Error launching app. Try launching from within Xcode via解决

ios真机 ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Error launching app. Try launching from within Xcode via: open ios/Runner.xcworkspace Your Xcode ver...