intext:"this login can be used only once" inurl:user intitle:"reset password"

  • 日期:2018-05-11
  • 类别:
  • 作者:The Infected Drake
  • 语法:intext:"this login can be used only once" inurl:user intitle:"reset password"
  • This dork can hunt out vulnerable drupal websites with their password reset
    pages of various accounts for account takeover.


    Drupal users using PRLP (Password Reset Landing Page) module. When this
    module is installed, If a user requests a new password, the requested user
    will be mailed with a one time login link. These link comes with a expiry
    date and time. This one time login link enabled the users to change their
    passwords without asking for current password and also let them to login to
    their account without changing their password.

    Accidentally, these One Time Login Links are indexed by Search Engines and
    this allowed any user to login as other user and change their passwords
    using this One Time Login Link.


    intext:”this login can be used only once" inurl:user intitle:"reset password"

    *Category*: Pages Containing Login Portals

    *Date*: 11-05-2018

    The Infected Drake (@_tID)