
  • 日期:2017-07-26
  • 类别:
  • 作者:anonymous
  • 语法:inurl:/_layouts/mobile/view.aspx?List=
  • I came across on a string \ dork that does not exist anywhere and it allows

    you to see the metadata of all the domain's content & index everything.

    here is the dork 'inurl:/_layouts/mobile/view.aspx?List='

    It enables you to access MIcrosoft Sharepoint CMS based domains

    In the following format

    You're able to view the source user (modified or created by)

    1. Depending on the target it can be used in a brute-force attack for

    constructing a password list with the internal user information.

    2. It is a serious information disclosure issue (due to the reason that

    some Government websites also use MIcrosoft Sharepoint) and it discloses

    their employees names.

    Eva Prokofiev