(intitle:"VisionGS Webcam Software")|(intext:"Powered by VisionGS Webcam") -showthread.php -showpost.php -"Search Engine" -computersglobal.com -site:g

  • 日期:2005-09-29
  • 类别:
  • 作者:anonymous
  • 语法:(intitle:"VisionGS Webcam Software")|(intext:"Powered by VisionGS Webcam") -showthread.php -showpost.php -"Search Engine" -computersglobal.com -site:g
  • I don't know if the google query got submitted right because it looks truncated. here it is again:(intitle:"VisionGS Webcam Software")|(intext:"Powered by VisionGS Webcam") -showthread.php -showpost.php -"Search Engine" -computersglobal.com -site:golb.org -site:chat.ru -site:findlastminute.de -site:tricus.de -site:urlaubus.de -johnny.ihackstuff VisionGS webcam software enables anyone with a webcam to easily host a webcam http server. This dork finds those servers.