inurl:"web.config" & intext:"Data Source" & "User ID" & "Password" & "connectionString" & ext:config -git

  • 日期:2019-12-12
  • 类别:
  • 作者:Aamir Rehman
  • 语法:inurl:"web.config" & intext:"Data Source" & "User ID" & "Password" & "connectionString" & ext:config -git
  • ##Google Dork: inurl:"web.config" & intext:"Data Source" & "User ID" & "Password" & "connectionString" & ext:config -git
    ##Description:   The above dork will show all the readable web.config files, which includes connection strings of database like server ip, database username, database password etc.
    ## Submission date: 12/12/2019.
    ## Author : Aamir Rehman.
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