

Github 中的自动化高级搜索工具。 这个工具的目的是通过搜索 github 上的代码或代码片段发现敏感信息泄露。证明公共存储库存储敏感信息代码的脆弱性。

GitMiner github信息泄露扫描工具


  • lxml
  • requests
  • argparse
  • json
  • re





用密码搜索 wordpress 配置文件:


Dork to search

filename:.npmrc _authnpm registry authentication data
filename:.dockercfg authdocker registry authentication data
extension:pem privateprivate keys
extension:ppk privateputtygen private keys
filename:id_rsa or filename:id_dsaprivate ssh keys
extension:sql mysql dumpmysql dump
extension:sql mysql dump passwordmysql dump look for password; you can try varieties
filename:credentials aws_access_key_idmight return false negatives with dummy values
filename:.s3cfgmight return false negatives with dummy values
filename:wp-config.phpwordpress config files
filename:.htpasswdhtpasswd files
filename:.env DB_USERNAME NOT homesteadlaravel .env (CI, various ruby based frameworks too)
filename:.env smtp configuration (try different smtp services too)
filename:.git-credentialsgit credentials store, add NOT username for more valid results
PT_TOKEN language:bashpivotaltracker tokens
filename:.bashrc passwordsearch for passwords, etc. in .bashrc (try with .bash_profile too)
filename:.bashrc mailchimpvariation of above (try more variations)
filename:.bash_profile awsaws access and secret keys passwordAmazon RDS possible credentials
extension:json api.forecast.iotry variations, find api keys/secrets
extension:json mongolab.commongolab credentials in json configs
extension:yaml mongolab.commongolab credentials in yaml configs (try with yml)
jsforce extension:js conn.loginpossible salesforce credentials in nodejs projects
SF_USERNAME salesforcepossible salesforce credentials
filename:.tugboat NOT _tugboatDigital Ocean tugboat config
HEROKU_API_KEY language:shellHeroku api keys
HEROKU_API_KEY language:jsonHeroku api keys in json files
filename:.netrc passwordnetrc that possibly holds sensitive credentials
filename:_netrc passwordnetrc that possibly holds sensitive credentials
filename:hub oauth_tokenhub config that stores github tokens
filename:robomongo.jsonmongodb credentials file used by robomongo
filename:filezilla.xml Passfilezilla config file with possible user/pass to ftp
filename:recentservers.xml Passfilezilla config file with possible user/pass to ftp
filename:config.json authsdocker registry authentication data
filename:idea14.keyIntelliJ Idea 14 key, try variations for other versions
filename:config irc_passpossible IRC config
filename:connections.xmlpossible db connections configuration, try variations to be specific
filename:express.conf path:.openshiftopenshift config, only email and server thou
filename:.pgpassPostgreSQL file which can contain passwords
filename:proftpdpasswdUsernames and passwords of proftpd created by cpanel
filename:ventrilo_srv.iniVentrilo configuration
[WFClient] Password= extension:icaWinFrame-Client infos needed by users to connect toCitrix Application Servers
filename:server.cfg rcon passwordCounter Strike RCON Passwords
JEKYLL_GITHUB_TOKENGithub tokens used for jekyll
filename:.bash_historyBash history file
filename:.cshrcRC file for csh shell
filename:.historyhistory file (often used by many tools)
filename:.sh_historykorn shell history
filename:sshd_configOpenSSH server config
filename:dhcpd.confDHCP service config
filename:prod.exs NOT prod.secret.exsPhoenix prod configuration file
filename:prod.secret.exsPhoenix prod secret
filename:configuration.php JConfig passwordJoomla configuration file
filename:config.php dbpasswdPHP application database password (e.g., phpBB forum software)
path:sites databases passwordDrupal website database credentials
shodan_api_key language:pythonShodan API keys (try other languages too)
filename:shadow path:etcContains encrypted passwords and account information of new unix systems
filename:passwd path:etcContains user account information including encrypted passwords of traditional unix systems
extension:avastlicContains license keys for Avast! Antivirus
extension:dbeaver-data-sources.xmlDBeaver config containing MySQL Credentials
filename:.esmtprc passwordesmtp configuration
extension:json googleusercontent client_secretOAuth credentials for accessing Google APIs
HOMEBREW_GITHUB_API_TOKEN language:shellGithub token usually set by homebrew users
xoxp OR xoxbSlack bot and private tokens passwordMLAB Hosted MongoDB Credentials
filename:logins.jsonFirefox saved password collection (key3.db usually in same repo)
filename:CCCam.cfgCCCam Server config file
msg nickserv identify filename:configPossible IRC login passwords SECRET_KEY