"Mail-it Now!" intitle:"Contact form" | inurl:contact.php

  • 日期:2005-09-11
  • 类别:
  • 作者:anonymous
  • 语法:"Mail-it Now!" intitle:"Contact form" | inurl:contact.php
  • Mail-it Now! 1.5 (possibly prior versions) contact.php remote code executionsite: http://www.skyminds.net/source/description: a mail form scriptvulnerability: unsecure file creation -> remote code executionwhen you post an attachment and upload it to the server (usually to "./upload/" dir )the script rename the file in this way:[time() function result] + [-] + [filename that user choose]spaces are simply replaced with "_" chars.So a user can post an executable attachment, calculate the time() result locallythen, if attachment is a file like this:can launch commands on target system, example:http://[target]/[path]/[time() result]-[filename.php]?command=cat%20/etc/passwdu can find my poc code at this url: http://rgod.altervista.org/mailitnow.html